Parrot adoptions, care education, and rehabilitation
Sponsor Sammi

Sammi came to Parrots First in 2007 mutilating her chest and feather picking. Her former owners tried to have her euthanized because they couldn’t sell her on Craigslist.

This is Sammi now. She no longer mutilates now that Parrots First has restored some of her trust in humans.
About Sammi
Sammi is an approximately 21-year-old Goffin’s Cockatoo. Sammi has been with Parrots First since 2007 and was relinquished after her previous owners (who were divorcing) asked their vet to euthanize Sammi, because no one purchased her on Craig’s List. Thankfully, the veterinarian refused.
Sammi came to Parrots First mutilating her chest and picking her feathers. She has poor balance, because she scissors off her tail and wings. She has some neurological damage due to what Parrots First’s veterinarian feels was a bad fall or a hit on the head.
However, Sammi has the cutest, smurfy voice. She asks, “What you doin?” and often proclaims, “Sammi do it!” when she gets excited. She loves to sing and cuddle and is much better now. Sammi still occasionally self-mutilates, but not as much, and does scare easily.
Sammi’s Favorite Things
Sammi’s favorite things are singing out, “What you doin?” and having her head rubbed. She is also addicted to Birdy Bagel toys. Sammie spends time outside in good weather and loves to talk with the outdoor birds.
How to Sponsor Sammi ($35 per month or $420 per year)
Payment can be made either through monthly installments or one-time donations, and you can stop sponsorship at any time. Once your sponsorship is processed, Parrots First will mail you a Certificate of Sponsorship with a picture and short biography of the sponsored bird. You will also be provided with periodic updates on your sponsored bird. Parrots First also welcomes non-cash donations of treats and toys for your sponsored bird.
Go to Network for Good, which is the online payment portal for Parrots First (Network for Good will allow you to donate using PayPal if you prefer).
Indicate that you are sponsoring Sammi in the "Designation" field. If your sponsorship is a gift for someone else, please indicate the name of the recipient in the "Dedication or Gift" field.
Other Parrots First Sponsorship Program Policies
Parrots First and its Board of Directors shall have sole discretion to disperse Sponsorship funds for the care of the specified bird (care includes but is not limited to veterinary expenses, food, supplies, or other expenses). Contributions are tax deductible as allowed by State and Federal Law.
Email rose@parrotsfirst.org for questions and comments.
TIN: 75-3029205